Bid Support Program

Supporting established research consortia to bid for large scale funding programs 

The NSW Space Research Network works with established research teams to support collaborative bids for large scale funding opportunities. 


  • To support the development of competitive applications for large scale collaborative R & D funding bids, such as  ARC Centres of Excellence, ARC Industry Transformation Research Program, CRC, NCRIS and other programs. 
  • Develop space related projects targeting funding collaborative research efforts in excess of $1M  
  • Contribute to the development of the NSW/ACT space ecosystem 


  • A total funding pool of $200K is available 
  • Applicants can apply for up to $50K worth of professional bid support services to assist with: 
  • Grant program selection workshops 
  • Research program design workshops 
  • Mentoring 
  • Critical Review 
  • Grant writing 
    and other professional bid support services 
  • Applicationsare assessed on a rolling basis until funding is exhausted 
  • Funding is allocated to professional service providers on behalf of awarded member university.  


  • Applicant/s can demonstrate history of collaborating on space-related projects  
  • Projects should demonstrate high potential to satisfy an existing or emerging Space capability need, or a current or emerging space industry need 
  • Lead academic partner must be an SRN member institution 
  • Proposed project should not substantially duplicate work with current or past funding support from Commonwealth, Australian State or Territory, or other sources 

Program Overview 

  • Applicant/s must be able to demonstrate previous work undertaken to assess the feasibility of the project. 
  • Applicants may seek support from the SRN’s BDM team to suggest collaborators or research themes for a proposed research program.  

Seeking Expressions of Interest  

  • SRN may also seek Expressions of Interest from researchers to participate in workshops and/or activities to help develop and assess the feasibility of potential research project theme areas. 

How to apply 

  • Please contact the SRN Business Development Team in the first instance to discuss your application and for any assistance in facilitating partner introductions: